Less. Waste Wellsford - 47 Station Rd, Wellsford
Rustybrook Road Community Refuse & Recycling Centre is now permanently closed.
We are continuing to support the Wellsford community’s zero waste efforts by expanding the services available at Less Shop, 47 Station Road, Wellsford.
Services available at Station Road:
• Retail store for second goods saved from landfill
• Collections service for residential reusable goods
• Drop off for the following reusables and recyclables:
– Reusable materials and items to sell in-store
– Food waste (free)
- Plastic and metal caps and lids (free)
– E-waste (charged by item, cellphones free)
– Polystyrene (charged by volume)
– Soft plastic (free for residential up to 10L)
– ‘Tetra pak’ and food + beverage cartons (free)
– Car and truck batteries (free)
– Household batteries (charged by weight)
Options for general and green waste are:
Northland Waste’s transfer station in Hakaru (north)
Less. Waste Warkworth, 55 Lawrie Road, Warkworth (south)
Good quality reusable items are free to donate. Please see our price-list for all other items.
If you are unsure about an item(s) you want to dispose of, please email or call us on
09 945 3980 with a description before coming to site so we can advise you.
Price list
Our prices are based on volume, not weight.
To get the best value for money, please sort and compact your loads before arriving, and make sure any recyclables are clean.
We are continuing to support the Wellsford community’s zero waste efforts by expanding the services available at Less Shop, 47 Station Road, Wellsford.
Services available at Station Road:
• Retail store for second goods saved from landfill
• Collections service for residential reusable goods
• Drop off for the following reusables and recyclables:
– Reusable materials and items to sell in-store
– Food waste (free)
- Plastic and metal caps and lids (free)
– E-waste (charged by item, cellphones free)
– Polystyrene (charged by volume)
– Soft plastic (free for residential up to 10L)
– ‘Tetra pak’ and food + beverage cartons (free)
– Car and truck batteries (free)
– Household batteries (charged by weight)
Options for general and green waste are:
Northland Waste’s transfer station in Hakaru (north)
Less. Waste Warkworth, 55 Lawrie Road, Warkworth (south)
Good quality reusable items are free to donate. Please see our price-list for all other items.
If you are unsure about an item(s) you want to dispose of, please email or call us on
09 945 3980 with a description before coming to site so we can advise you.
Price list
Our prices are based on volume, not weight.
To get the best value for money, please sort and compact your loads before arriving, and make sure any recyclables are clean.
Opening hours:
- Tuesday 9am - 3pm, Saturday 9am - 1pm.
Find us here: